Juvenile Delinquency
The two biggest mistakes any juvenile and a juvenile's family can make when dealing with the justice system are 1. assuming because it is "just" a juvenile offense it is no big deal and 2. talking to the police freely and openly about the offense and charges. Juvenile Delinquency charges don't always just disappear from a child's record when they turn 18, and in some cases the offenses charged can prevent the juvenile from receiving student loans, or even being precluded from attending the college of their choice. Kids and teenagers sometimes make some very poor choices as they are coming of age, but don't let that poor decision follow them and hinder their future by not taking the Juvenile Delinquency charges seriously. In a system where kids as young as 10 years old can be charged with criminal offenses, it is important that you are parents don’t inadvertently make decisions that will impact their future success.
And just as some juvenile delinquency charges can have lasting effects, it is important to have an attorney who knows the ins and outs of the Juvenile Delinquency system. It is not like adult court, juveniles are not "mini-adults.” There are more professionals involved, as well as a large array of services, supports, alternative sentences, and punishments available in Juvenile court. April has worked for a number of years in the Juvenile Delinquency arena and is intimately familiar with Juvenile Delinquency process, offenses, and procedures. Please do not risk your child's future plans, if you hire an attorney for your child, it is imperative that they are experienced in Juvenile Delinquency proceedings.
Here are some examples of charges your child could face after engaging in "normal" teenage activity:
Assault (fights on school grounds)
Harassment (on-going non-physical conflict with a peer at school)
Possession with Intent to Distribute (sharing marijuana with friends)
Motor Vehicle Theft (driving a parent's car without their permission)
Motor Vehicle Trespass (checking unlocked cars in the area for spare change or other items)
Distribution of Child Pornography (sexting their boyfriend/girlfriend)
DUI (driving home after a party)
Sexual Assault (engaging in sexual activity with a drunk partner)
We handle almost all juvenile delinquency offenses in most courts in the Denver Metro area and along the front range. If your child has been cited or charged with a delinquency offense, please reach out to us to set up a free initial consultation. We have the knowledge and the will to work hard to try and ensure that a poor decision made as part of being a "normal" teenager doesn't affect their adult life.